
Showing posts from August, 2013

Blogging For The First Time

I never thought I could write something out from my imagination and experiences but this time, I want to try this out. I want to start blogging not because I want to impress other people but to express my thoughts. For me, my soon to be blogs are something I can look back from the past that would remind me how I lived my life and what my thoughts were during my younger years (though 27 is no longer young). From now on, blogging will become part of my routine and will help me to improve my writing skills in terms of sentence construction and grammar. When I was a kid, I already had this passion in writing, though, I didn't focus on it that much. I wrote based on my imagination and I placed it on my used book. I usually cover the page using a colored paper to make it look good. The sad thing, I lost the book. I believe, I wrote around 10 blogs already. Never mind, I’ll start all over again.  “I believe that there’s always room for improvement especially if there’s the