
Showing posts from September, 2015

The Pain Of Waiting

"I want to get married and have babies by the age of 27 or 28. I need to have my own house and stable job before starting a family", I said to myself. I can still remember when I said that. I was 16 years old at that time.  Fast forward. Now, I am already 29 years old. I'm not married and I don't have kids. I do have work but I know it's not yet stable. I don't have a house of my own or a car I paid out of my pocket. All I have now are from my parents. I just could not believe that at the age of 29 I have not reached my dreams. Some, maybe, but not all.

"Value One's Worth"

As I was sitting alone at the beach with the cold air touching my skin, I felt good. I closed my eyes and deeply breathe, as I said to myself. "Life has always been beautiful if you know how to appreciate it."  I looked around, I got the chance to compare myself with the people around me. People who I considered as less fortunate. People who don't have anything. As I was doing my comparison, I felt a chill inside me. The feeling was real and unexplainable. I didn't know how lucky and blessed I am with God's grace and favor. All the things I have right now are left unappreciated because all I do is whine for the things I do not have.