"Value One's Worth"

As I was sitting alone at the beach with the cold air touching my skin, I felt good. I closed my eyes and deeply breathe, as I said to myself. "Life has always been beautiful if you know how to appreciate it." 

I looked around, I got the chance to compare myself with the people around me. People who I considered as less fortunate. People who don't have anything. As I was doing my comparison, I felt a chill inside me. The feeling was real and unexplainable. I didn't know how lucky and blessed I am with God's grace and favor. All the things I have right now are left unappreciated because all I do is whine for the things I do not have.

When I was a kid, I lived a simple life. A life I wished I still have right now.  A life where I get to appreciate all simple things. As I got older, I see things differently. I see material things as happiness. I failed to appreciate small things. I failed to appreciate the goodness of the Lord in my life. There are even times I blame him for the things I cannot have because I feel like He does not hear my at all. He doesn't care. I always tell myself that God only gives blessing to those people who are good and lucky. Until one day, it hit me. Nothing bad happened and I came back to my senses. I had my realization before it was too late. Sometimes, it's good to be alone. It's good to be away from the crowd and bustling streets of the city because I was able to write this blog and write what's in my mind. 

I listed down all the things I should be thankful for to make sure that I don't forget them when things become rough. 
  •  I still have my parents. My dad and mom are still in good health. They have jobs that can sustain our daily needs. They are supportive. 
  • Though I get sick sometimes, I should be thankful because I am still in good shape. I have complete body parts and can do things on my own without depending on others. 
  • I have my siblings who are there when things get worst. 
  • We have a car that we used everyday. A blessing that not all have. 
  • I have a boyfriend who deserves more than a tap on the back. Who dearly love me despite of my weaknesses and tantrums. 
  • We have a house of our own. I should be thankful because we don't have to rent. We don't have to live in another roof. 
  • I have work that pays good. It sustains me with all my needs and wants.

I do have a lot of things to be thankful for. I am sure I won't be able to list them all down here. 

For all the people out there, learn to value what you have. Material things won't last long. Memories do. Do not be frustrated with the things you cannot have as of the moment. God will give it to you at the right time. 

"Give Value For What You Have And Not For What You Do Not Have". 


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