Dumaguete: A City Of Gentle People

I woke up early as expected! Oh! It's Saturday! It's our trip to Dumaguete City. I took a bath and prepared our stuff. At around 5:30 AM, my boyfriend and I rode a jeepney going to South Bus Terminal. We rode a bus with a sign board "Argao-Oslob via Liloan Port". It took almost 4 hours  before we arrived at Liloan port. Bus fare was around 189 pesos each.

Once at the port, we hopped in the fast craft bound for Sibulan port in Dumaguete City. We paid 62 pesos each. It was fast. It took 30 minutes only to reach the other side. At the port, you can ride either jeepney or a tricycle to reach Dumaguete City. We rode a tricycle exclusive for the two of us so we had to pay 50 pesos each. I know it's a bit pricey but we were in a hurry. The driver dropped us at terminal for Valencia. The fare was only 12 pesos each but you have to wait for the jeepney to become full. Actually, the tricycle driver offered us 300 pesos fare from Sibulan port to Valencia which I declined because it's too much knowing that I had been there and I know the fare going to Valencia was not that much. Maybe 20 minutes after, we arrived at Valencia proper and we rode another tricycle to send us off to Forest Camp. Fare going there was 15 pesos each.

At Forest Camp, you have to pay 80 pesos each for the entrance fee. The place was awesome. The last time I went there, they only had couple of springs but now, there's a lot or maybe I just didn't notice it because I keep staying in the room. There are many cottages you can rent and tables for free. If you haven't brought foods with you, you can eat at their canteen. Foods selection were limited but enough to keep you going. We stayed there for just 2-3 hours because we had to go back to Dumaguete City where our hotel was located.

We stayed at Hotel Essencia. It's actually located at the center of Dumaguete. Their room rates for two was a bit steep but reasonable. You can really relax because it's like a hotel not just a typical backpacker room. Since we wanted to relax and spend time together, we go for it. Room rate was 1,600 good for two with buffet breakfast.  After checked in, we took a nap for a while to rest. We woke up around 8 PM and took a stroll around the city. Since it's a little town, expect that most people sleep early. We had to find a 24 hour fast food chain so we can eat our dinner.

The next day, woke up around 6 AM, took a bath then had our breakfast. Foods were typical Filipino breakfast. At around 8 AM, we had our long walk going to their bus terminal. We rode a Ceres bus bound for "BAIS" and just asked the conductor to stop at San Jose where Twin Lake was located.  Fare was around 20 pesos each. I read a lot of negative blogs about the overpriced motorcycle fare at Twin Lake so I prepared myself to haggle. I was right. When I asked the driver "how much", the answer was "400 pesos" roundtrip. Ouch! Normally, it's only 200 pesos each back and forth. We ended up 300 each. I don't want to waste my time arguing so I agreed with 300 each. No wonder only few tourists were there.

 At the entrance, we paid 42 pesos. It includes 10 pesos for me, my boyfriend, and for the driver plus the motorcycle fee and 2 pesos for the parking. Supposedly, the driver should send us off to the lake but I bet the driver would have a hard time so, we had to hike from the entrance to the lake. It was a bit far. It took us 10-15 minutes. The place was solemn and relaxing. Not crowded and they have cottages. You can also rent a boat good for 7 persons for 250 pesos. We didn't go for it because the lake is a bit scary. It seems like there's a lot crocodile hiding. After a couple of minutes enjoying the view, we took our lunch at their restaurant. Foods were not that expensive. From the restaurant, you will be able to see a good view of Lake Balinsasayaw, as they call it. We didn't stay long because we had to travel 45 minutes going back to the highway.

We rode another bus going back to the city. We stopped at Rizal Avenue/Boulevard. They had a big Dumaguete sign where you can have your pictures.

We walked around the place and went directly to Silliman University. You have to have an ID to enter the school. One ID is enough for all your company. The place was just a typical school but it has their own chuch, museum and not to mention the big and tall trees. After Silliman, we went back to our hotel to rest for a while then we went to Panda Ice cream near our place. Prices were reasonable and foods were delicious. Too bad, their Panda rice was not available and their Panda Ice cream was a bit expensive. Next spot we visited was the Belfry Tower. We rode a tricycle going there. It's located near the Cathedral Chuch. Took a couple of pictures then we went to Robinson's because my boyfriend wanted to enjoy their Peryahan. We spent most of our time at the mall and the carnival just across the mall. We went home around 9 PM and had good sleep. The next day, we prepared ourselves for our departure back to Cebu.

Overall, we had a great quality time together. Till next time Dumaguete!


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