My Peaceful Solitude In Bantayan Island

In my 29 years of existence, there was never a time that I traveled alone away from home. I am always afraid to try it out because of unknown fears. I always think that it might be too risky, dangerous, or worst, get lost in an unknown place. I never thought that one day, I finally have the courage to do it. Negative thoughts and fears are still there but the determination and positivity outweighed everything.

I prepared my things the night before. I made sure that I have enough money for this trip. Even though, I have been to Bantayan several times, I still don't know what will happen if I am alone. I chose this place because I fell in love with their beaches and the people. I always have this feeling of freedom, contentment and unexplained happiness every time I am in this island. The place has not been developed that much so you can still see the natural gifts of God in this island. White sands. Clear waters. Several coconut trees. Low life living. I admit, this place is really a must visit for those who haven't been here. 

January 7, 2016, I woke up early and re-checked my stuff. Rode a taxi off to North bus terminal then rode a Ceres bus bound for Hagnaya port. Fare was 132 pesos and 170 pesos for RoRo. Since it was not a peak season, I decided not to book a room ahead so upon arrival, I went directly to Sugar Beach to get a room for myself. Good thing that I was able to bargain. From 900 pesos, it went down to 600 and the room was good for 4 persons. I arrived around 4 PM so I went directly to the market to find good food. I rented a bicycle so it would be easier for me to tour around the island fro around 260 pesos good for 2 days.

For two days of staying in the island, I was able to think about my life and what I really wanted. I thought that being away from the city or being alone would give me back my sanity. I was wrong. I felt sad. I felt lonely. I felt that I don't like what I am doing . I don't like the feeling of being alone. I don't want to do this again. I don't want to be alone anymore. Honestly, at first, it was a fulfillment for me but later on, I felt bored and lonely especially during at night when most of the people are asleep as early as 7 PM or 8 PM.

During the night, I would sit outside my room looking at the beach and stars. It was scary because it was too dark and I can only hear the sounds of the crickets. Nothing else. The silence of the night really bothered me because I am not the type of person who wanted a silent life. I wanted to have fun, exciting and extraordinary life. Though there are times that I don't like noisy environment but I grew up with it. I've been living in a house beside the road with all the sounds of the cars, trucks and people passing by. Somehow being alone in Bantayan helped me to recharge. To be in my nothing box. However, I can only give myself a day for that then go back to being myself. To being a happy go lucky person. To being able to explore what the world has to offer.

Day two in Bantayan. I had a great time during the morning because I went biking again. I went to the market then had my breakfast. As usual, I ate at my favorite spot. At noon, I went to Ogtong cave. I've been there several times but still love to visit the place. Good thing it was not crowded like it used to. Bad thing is, I was not able to have a short dip in the beautiful water of Ogtong Cave because I didn't have swim wear with me. At around 4 PM, I went back to my place and had a short swim at the beach. I just loved how clear the water was and how peaceful it was. Just couldn't resist it's beauty. I really wanted to go biking during the night but it's really dark. According to the locals there, electricity was partially damaged because of Typhoon Yolanda.

During my last day in Bantayan, I had so much fun. I didn't use my bicycle anymore. Instead, I walked from my place to the market so I can eat my breakfast. Did some video taking with my Go Pro. The place was really heaven. I wanted to stay another day but of course I really cannot stand the loneliness during the evening. Lol! After all the moments of talking to myself while walking, I went back to my place, packed up my stuff and left. Around 5PM, I was already in Cebu City.Welcome home!

In this trip, I realized that "No Man Is An Island" quote is really true. I just couldn't stand the loneliness of being alone. The sad feeling of me having no one to spend the rest of my life with. It's just me. :)


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