Singapore Trip : Day Two

Today's itinerary : Universal Studio and Vivo City!

    Woke up around 6 am to prepare ourselves from the most awaited fun to Universal Studio. We need to wake up early so we can take a bath ahead of others. Our hostel only has 3 bathrooms for public use. They have small area where we can have our breakfast every morning. Since we are trying to save as much as possible, we just buy cup noodles and milk. They have free toasted bread anyway. :)

At around 8 am, we were ready to head on the MRT station close to our hostel. It took us around 30 - 45 minutes to travel going to Vivo City Mall where we bought our tickets for Universal Studio. Since we are early, we didn't have to fall in a long queue. However, we have to wait for the Express going to Universal Studio. Opening time is 10 am to 7 pm.

Entrance fee for adult is $74 while $54 for kids both for One day Pass.


First part : Hollywood

Second Part : New York

Third part : Sci -Fi City

Fourth Part : Ancient Egypt

Before I continue, let's take a break! I can't believe it, the whole Universal Studio would consume my entire day, not even enough.. haha. My feet were really aching but I had fun. :)

Sixth Part : The Lost World

Seventh Part : The Far Far Away 

The last but not the least. Madagascar

Lastly, since we want to savor every moment we had, we took the opportunity to check other parts of Universal Studios. 

Hell yeah! Candies and Chocolates!

Finally, we were able to tour the entire Universal Studio. Of course, the day won't end without strolling around Vivo City. Haha

'Till next time Universal Studios! 


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