
Showing posts from 2015

A Piece Of Me

Hi everyone! My Name is Jessica Tan. I was born on May 16, 1986 at Talisay City, Cebu. As of this writing, I am already 29 years old, not yet married and no kids too. I'm born with a Chinese and Spanish/Filipino blood. My father is a pure Chinese while my mother is a Filipino with Spanish descendants, hence, Tan-Romero. I have two siblings from my mother and another two from another mother. Eldest is a sister and youngest is a brother. I am the middle child.

Dumaguete: A City Of Gentle People

I woke up early as expected! Oh! It's Saturday! It's our trip to Dumaguete City. I took a bath and prepared our stuff. At around 5:30 AM, my boyfriend and I rode a jeepney going to South Bus Terminal. We rode a bus with a sign board "Argao-Oslob via Liloan Port". It took almost 4 hours  before we arrived at Liloan port. Bus fare was around 189 pesos each.

Our Journey To Tagaytay

Dissapointed. One thing I'd described our trip to Tagaytay. I always imagine Tagaytay as one of my must visit places since most  Filipino  artists usually go here to unwind and relax. My expectations were not met but not really worst in everything. We had some spots where I considered as worth it and some were not. Let me tell you my story. 

The Pessimist In Me.

I wrote this blog because I was inspired by Maine Mendoza. I read about her blog and I feel connected with who she is as a person. I can sense that we have something in common except that she's already famous and I am not. Well, we always have this twist of fate once in our life. 

The Pain Of Waiting

"I want to get married and have babies by the age of 27 or 28. I need to have my own house and stable job before starting a family", I said to myself. I can still remember when I said that. I was 16 years old at that time.  Fast forward. Now, I am already 29 years old. I'm not married and I don't have kids. I do have work but I know it's not yet stable. I don't have a house of my own or a car I paid out of my pocket. All I have now are from my parents. I just could not believe that at the age of 29 I have not reached my dreams. Some, maybe, but not all.

"Value One's Worth"

As I was sitting alone at the beach with the cold air touching my skin, I felt good. I closed my eyes and deeply breathe, as I said to myself. "Life has always been beautiful if you know how to appreciate it."  I looked around, I got the chance to compare myself with the people around me. People who I considered as less fortunate. People who don't have anything. As I was doing my comparison, I felt a chill inside me. The feeling was real and unexplainable. I didn't know how lucky and blessed I am with God's grace and favor. All the things I have right now are left unappreciated because all I do is whine for the things I do not have.