
Showing posts from 2016

Finding My Self Worth

Another relationship after the other. No breathing. Even after painful breakups, I'd enter into a new relationship hoping I will find my sole purpose in life. To love and be loved in return. Wishing one day I'd feel happy, contented and satisfied with what we call life. To be able to find meaning from another person. To be able to find greater inner peace with oneself once I find my perfect match. I was wrong. After my recent break-up, everything starts to sink in as if God is talking to me. As if, He is telling me to slow things down. To stop and appreciate the things I already have. It's like He is giving me a break to at least love myself and do the things I wanted to do before I settle down. Resolve issues within myself in order for me to fully love the person He prepared for me. To embrace imperfections of life and that is okay to be imperfect once in a while. To be honest, it's been a while since I was single. Most of the time, after every break-up, I

Thank You Letter To My Parents

Right now, I am all alone. Staring at the ceiling of my room. Thinking about life. Re-evaluating things. Suddenly,I missed my parents. It has been almost 10 years since I saw my dad and 5 years that I've never seen my mom personally. I know it's part of life to detach yourself from your parents but I could not imagine myself doing it. They will always remain as part of me and my life.  Time flies so fast that I have grown up so fast too and my parents are growing older too. I felt like I have been busy all my life and forgot to at least say thank you to them for taking care of us.  I could never imagine how hard it was for them to raise three beautiful kids all by themselves. Well, that's how powerful they are. Parents will always be parents. Wherever you go. Whatever you do, you will always go back to them. You will always miss them. You will always ask advice from them.  I want to have this opportunity to write this thank you letter to my parents to make sure

"How Long Will I Love You"

Intro:  How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you And longer, if I can. How long will I need you? As long as the seasons need to Follow their plan. How long will I be with you? As long as the sea is bound to Wash upon the sand. How long will I want you? As long as you want me to And longer by far. How long will I hold you? As long as your father told you, As long as you can. How long will I give to you? As long as I live through you However long you say. How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you And longer, if I may.  [Spoken:]  We're all traveling through time together  Every day of our lives.  All we can do is do our best  To relish this remarkable ride. If I decided to get married soon, I would want this song to be played during the wedding. :)

My Peaceful Solitude In Bantayan Island

In my 29 years of existence, there was never a time that I traveled alone away from home. I am always afraid to try it out because of unknown fears. I always think that it might be too risky, dangerous, or worst, get lost in an unknown place. I never thought that one day, I finally have the courage to do it. Negative thoughts and fears are still there but the determination and positivity outweighed everything. I prepared my things the night before. I made sure that I have enough money for this trip. Even though, I have been to Bantayan several times, I still don't know what will happen if I am alone. I chose this place because I fell in love with their beaches and the people. I always have this feeling of freedom, contentment and unexplained happiness every time I am in this island. The place has not been developed that much so you can still see the natural gifts of God in this island. White sands. Clear waters. Several coconut trees. Low life living. I admit, this place is